I cannot express the feelings I had while watching Gov Sarah Palin make her acceptance speech at the RNC last week. I cannot even recall if it was one thing specifically or just the whole package...
I am the first to admit that I know NOONE without blemish, so I'm sure there have been mistakes made during her political career. I see her as a woman who holds similar views on life and our country. I see her as a wife, and a working mom of a young man in the military, two girls and a baby with special needs. And even though I was 19 when I had to tell my mom I was pregnant and no longer able to join the Air Force, I can definitely empathize with her and her daughter. And I give her accolades for loving her daughter enough to help her through this.
I recently heard John McCain say that November 4th will show the highest number of voters at the poll ever and I believe that! I will definitely be there, bright and early...and probably volunteering the rest of the day too!
Yes, that's right, after hearing about Gov Palin and listening to her speech, I searched the Internet and found my local county GOP. I went to my first meeting this past Tuesday and am ready to do what I can. My first act of volunteering will be "manning a booth" at the local Benson Mule Days on 9/27. I guess I have a lot to learn because I learned that the School Board positions are non-partisan, and if you vote a "straight party ticket" you aren't voting for any of those positions - you have to go to that section on the ballot and individually vote for those positions. I'm hoping to volunteer at the phone bank to encourage people to get out and vote.
I even took the liberty of looking into my local town and emailing the Town Clerk for more information on how I can get involved.
You see, I have struggled for a while trying to figure out what God has planned for me, could it be public speaking (testimony/evangelism), women's ministries, children's ministry, or anything else. Now, I'm definitely not saying that I know what God's will is...yikes, that's crazy! But, I do see this as an opportunity to serve those around me while spreading the love of Christ.
I guess the purpose of this blog is to ask for prayer - wisdom, guidance, peace, understanding. AND to ask anyone who ready this to REGISTER TO VOTE and show up on November 4th to cast your vote.