The worship time at C3 has opened my heart to the Lord more than any other place. I feel free to worship our Lord openly and without reservation. What a change for me - in a good way! Special thank you goes to the Worship Praise Team!!!!
I was able to listen to not only Pastor Matt Fry (C3 Church), but also Pastor Greg Surratt from Seacoast Church in Charleston, SC. Seacoast Church is a multi-site church with 13 campuses and about 10,000 members - what a PRAISE!
Through the stories and laughter I was able to learn a few things (LoL). Pastor Greg talked this morning about Teams..."there is nothing that can destroy a team faster than pride" and "to become GREAT you must find the 'least of these' and get behind them" and the end result will be "People will notice and Jesus will become famous, then you will become Great" - POWERFUL!
During a Q& A with the different pastors at the conference I also heard this: "there is a difference in leaders that serve and servants that are given the opportunity to lead", "you must be able to lead yourself with discipline first, before leading others" and "everything that doesn't work now used to be a great may need to die to become fertilizer so new things can grow" - AMAZING!
Pastor Matt Fry closed the session talking about the Leadership, using Nehemiah. He compared the church to the military - we have a 'hospital' to heal the wounded, but the main focus is on the war we are in with the enemy. As leaders, there are 4 principles...
- Survey the situation (ask God, ask others)
- Build a team (don't do it alone, serve and equip your team)
- Give them a vision bigger than themselves
- Lead! (leaders lead, be courageous, take that step of faith, step up to the plate)
I am presenting to my department at work in about a week and cannot wait to build some of these team and leadership principles into my presentation.